Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fish Eye Wine

Disclosure: As a member of I received a rebate (#gotarebate) to try the new 3L box of Fish Eye Wine. 

So after I received my rebate for $15 in the mail I went on a shopping trip to find myself a box of wine. Well I live in a rural area so I had to drive 30miles to the closest store that sells Fish Eye wine and bought myself a box. I selected the Chardonnay which was the first time I ever tried this a Chardonnay. Well I found that I wasn't overly excited about this wine. But let me tell you, I love the box!! It's the greatest thing ever!! 
I usually like a sweet wine so the dryness of the wine was a little surprising. So I would be totally willing to check out another flavor of this wine in the future. And the wine has been open for over two weeks and still tastes like it did when we opened it. So if your looking for a wine to enjoy this summer with friends and family check out the new selection of wine by #fisheyewines.